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Au Pair Shares – “13 Months in America”

CHI Au Pair Elian, from Colombia, shares his experience as an Au Pair in California.

“Everything began in Washington D.C 13 months ago! I was so excited landing in a totally different world for me. Winter was saying “hello” as I was walking to the hotel where the training was taking place. First time in an English speaking country but I had a positive thinking. Hopefully I will have the best adventure ever! I had a wonderful Au Pair team group during the training (which I miss so much now), they were really friendly and I could notice they were excited to start living this unique experience. Everything went well during those days but sadly it didn’t last forever. Four days in The American Rome were enough to have an idea in my head of what was about to change in my life.

After flying across the country I arrived to the Golden State, really happy just minutes away for meeting the place that I will call “home”. My Host Dad was incredible! Always smiling and like a professional tourist guide, he showed me all around the city during the first days, we were always with his baby boy and he was the most adorable little thing ever! Time flew and I adjusted to the life in the bay area, I did a lot of road trips and met wonderful people. By September, I had the chance to travel with my host family to Asia, so I felt I was thy luckiest Au Pair. Of course I took that chance and I travel to 4 different countries in 2 continents!

I’m really thankful for the people who helped me to be where I’m now, and if I could have a chance to be an Au Pair again, I definitely will do that. No doubt!”

Au Pair in America

Au Pair in America

Au Pair in America


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