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Au Pair Summer in the U.S.

CHI Au Pair participants spent the summer making wonderful memories in the U.S.  From Georgia to California they have gathered together monthly to try new restaurants, hike, play laser tag and they even went to a baseball game.

CHI Au Pairs are young people from overseas who joins American host families, providing up to 45 hours of loving childcare per week, while sharing new cultures and languages. Au Pairs live as members of their host families, embracing their role as someone the parents can depend on.

Hosting an Au Pair is a rewarding and enriching cultural experience for the entire family. You and your children will have the opportunity to embrace another culture right in your own home. Your family’s view of the world will expand through you and your Au Pair sharing each other’s language, culture and customs.

Au Pair Summer

Au Pair Summer

Au Pair Summer

Au Pair Summer

Au Pair Summer

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