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CHI Alumni Build Bridges and Promote World Peace

CHI Alumni Promote World PeaceThe Work & Travel program was designed to offer international students an opportunity to explore U.S. culture while gaining valuable work experience.  After working and traveling for up to four months, participants return home to share their experiences.  CHI alumni are leaders that build bridges and promote world peace.Recently two past Work & Travel participants Mustafa Atilla and Kagan Keklikoglu, from Turkey, attended the G-20 Antalya Summit.  This was the tenth meeting of the G-20 heads of government and was held at the Regnum Carya Hotel Convention Centre.At the summit Mustafa and Kagan had the opportunity to listen to President Obama speak as well as meet Christine Lagarde who is the president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This was truly a wonderful experience for our Work & Travel participants.  A true cultural exchange.

CHI Alumni Promote World Peace
CHI Alumni Promote World Peace
Kagen with Christine Lagarde

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