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Chinese Exchange Students Visit the U.S. This Summer

Exchange Students Visit the U.S.

Group Homestay Program was CHI’s very first program. It all started with a group of Japanese exchange students back in 1980. Since then, CHI has grown and evolved but our Group Homestay students are still near and dear to our heart.

Each summer groups from Japan, China, Taiwan and a handful of other countries come to the U.S. for two to four weeks to live with host families and learn about another culture. Families open their homes and hearts and enjoy a truly rewarding and inspiring experience. You will be amazed at how big your heart can grow in just a few short weeks.

Recently a group from Kunming, Yunnan Province, China spent July 25th to August 6th in Sandy, Oregon with amazing host families. They had a wonderful time!  Watch this great video below that shows the fun that they had.  This is one amazing program!


Thank you to our wonderful host families and all of our exchange students!

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