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English Conversation Volunteers Abroad Facebook Contest Winner

CHI’s English Conversation Volunteers Abroad program recently held a Facebook English Conversation Volunteers Abroad Facebook Contest Winner 1contest offering individuals the chance to win a free one month stay abroad through ECVA’s “I’ll Go Anywhere” program.  The contest was very exciting and received quite a few entries.

In the end, Marli Thurow from Minnesota won the free trip.  Marli is currently a student at Minnesota State and is studying Mass Communications.  When Marli found out she won, her response was, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?  I don’t think enough words, languages or lengthy conversations could summarize how I would feel about this opportunity! Get me out there!

Marli will be traveling to Colombia for one month starting next January when she graduates.  We think she is going to have a  fabulous time!

Check out ECVA’s Facebook page:

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