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STEP Participant Provides a Gateway to China for St. Louis Students

Manman Wang, from China, is currently participating in CHI’s Short Term Enrichment Program and is volunteering with Gitana’s Youth in Global Education Through the Arts.

Soon after arrival, Manman was already visiting a local St. Louis middle school to share Chinese culture, and she made a big impact on the students she met.  In Gitana’s recent newsletter, they shared how excited they are to welcome Manman, and what she will bring to this experience over the next three months:

“Manman had only been in St. Louis for three days after a grueling 17-hour flight from Beijing, China. On the fourth day, she was already sharing with 20 middle and high school students information about China, its people and culture. Manman is here to practice her English, but most of all to learn firsthand about the diversity within the USA. In less than 30 minutes the connection between Manman and youth from Africa, the USA and the Middle East was undeniable.

The kids were able to apply some of the intercultural principles they are learning while also being confident that they would not be awkward. Before officially starting class, several students took the initiative to go up to Manman, introduce themselves and welcome her to the class. We were very proud to see the fruits of our efforts.

Manman Wang is studying Regional and Urban Planning and loves to draw and paint. She has a pet rabbit that she adores and loves going to visit her grandmother who loves telling stories about her younger years. Manman loves children and that was reflected in her warmth towards Gitana’s youth.” 

STEP Participant Provides a Gateway to China for St. Louis Students 1

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