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Group Homestay in Japan

We recently documented the activities of our latest group of American’s to participate in CHI’s Travel Abroad for Americans program.  Here, one of our Japanese partners, Sachi, gives further insight into the details of the host family experience, and the impact this program had on the Japanese families who opened their homes.

“Thank you so much for sending your wonderful students this summer again. We all were so happy to think of our schedule and being with all of you one week.

Takahashi family (Zach’s family) said the time was too short for them. At first their children and Zach were both a little bit shy so they didn’t make communication well. But almost last day, they could play with each other. The youngest boy asked “when does Zach come back?” Isn’t it cute??

Homma family (Jacob’s family) had never been a host family before. This is the first time to be, so they were a little bit nervous at first. First they wanted to have Jacob 2 nights, but decided to have him all days. After we said goodbye to you at JR station, Homma host mother was so excised and told me they are so happy to have an American boy. Sometimes it was hard to make communication, but it was also good international exchange.

I really hope the high school students exchange will be going well.  I think it is just seeds to make flowers. I hope our relationship can develop and make flowers here and there in future, in both of our countries.” 

Students enjoyed getting to know the Tea Ceremony Club
Spending time with the Tea Ceremony Club
Posing with some host families at another Cherry Orchard
Participants and host families at a Cherry Orchard


Feeling very relaxed after meditation with a Zen Priest
Feeling very relaxed after meditation with a Zen Priest

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