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Homestays Create Lifelong Friendships

Homestays Create Lifelong Friendships 1
Jennie with Kazuhiro

CHI Area Administrator Jennie Fouts from Washington knows first hand the lifelong friendships that can be formed by hosting a foreign exchange student. In 1970 Jennie gained a host brother when her family welcomed Kazuhiro from Japan. Forty years later, the relationship is still going strong.

Kazuhiro has been back to the United States three times since his initial stay. The first time he returned was to celebrate Jennie’s parents’ 50th wedding anniversary and introduce his host family to his wife and three children. Jennie has been able to visit Kazuhiro and his family many times during her travels to Japan with CHI.

The two have stayed close throughout the years. Their children have played together and they have even met one another’s grandchildren. Jennie has many wonderful memories with her host brother and is grateful that their relationship has stayed so strong through the years.

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