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International Pizza Party

Fifteen countries were represented at a recent international pizza party in St. Louis, MO.  Internship/Trainee participants and international friends gathered at PW Pizza where they enjoyed good food, cultural exchange and made new friends.
Over 30 people attended representing Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Ukraine, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Turkey, and Malaysia.
International Pizza Party
International Pizza Party
International Pizza Party
International Pizza Party
International Pizza Party
CHI’s Internship/Trainee programs are a practical “on-the-job” training in an American business for overseas university students and young professionals. The program bridges the participant’s course of study to their career development objectives. While participants gain practical knowledge in their specialized fields, the American staff gains international cultural and business awareness. The participants not only gain valuable insight into American business methods and practices, they immerse themselves into American society and culture.

Learn more about CHI’s Internship/Trainee program.

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