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Japanese Group Homestay Students Visit Golden Gate Bridge

Recently, 103 exchange students and six teacher coordinators from Ibaraki Christian High School in Ibaraki, Japan (about 70 miles northeast of Tokyo) came to northern California for a visit that has become an annual tradition for them.  This is the fourth year that a group from this particular school has come to visit.  The students and teachers spent time at three different schools: Faith Christian in Yuba City, Capitol Christian in Sacramento and Jim Eliott High School in Lodi.  They also took a trip to San Francisco to see the Golden Gate Bridge, and it’s clear from these pictures that they picked the right day to go – no fog!  We hope they enjoyed their visit enough to make a fifth one next year.

Japanese Group Homestay Students Visit Golden Gate Bridge 1

Japanese Group Homestay Students Visit Golden Gate Bridge 2

Japanese Group Homestay Students Visit Golden Gate Bridge 3

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