Victor Warnier, from Belgium, is a wonderful example of an amazing high school exchange student. He is currently finishing up his CHI Academic Year Program in Craig, Alaska. Victor’s Academic Coordinator Pat Boyd says, “His excellence is contagious, he motivates his fellow students to push for more, he is also very competitive, but he is not ruthless. He takes into consideration the feelings of his fellow students and friends. He is extraordinary!”
Here are some of the fun experiences Victor has had this year as he experienced life in Alaska.
Victor was crowned Homecoming King at his high school.

A big sports lover, he is very supportive of all of the teams at his high school. Recently when the girls’ basketball team was losing a game, Victor and a friend joined the cheerleaders to get the crowd excited.

He took the time to create a lifesize cutout of one of the members of the girls’ basketball team. Everyone thought it was a great idea and soon there was a large cutout of Victor!

In addition to enjoying sports, Victor is a very good student. Victor was given an award for keeping up his grades. He was also chosen to represent his high school in the Academic Decathlon State Championship competition. He came back with an impressive bronze medal. The town celebrated by greeting Victor and his classmates with a celebration and parade when they returned home.

Victor also took the time to volunteer during his program. Here he is with his Academic Coordinator raising money for a family in Africa.

Life in Alaska is very unique. Victor has been able to see and enjoy “Fur Rondy” which is like a carnival in Anchorage. He also saw the 100-mile dog sled race and enjoyed a variety of parades.
Victor has a wonderful host family who supported him during his final basketball game. They even came to the game wearing shirts with Victor’s name and number on them.