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Tag: Camp Leaders

J1 Exchange Program Inspires an American

Anna and J-1 participant Jordan at YMCA Camp McAlister Fate works in mysterious ways. The prospect of living abroad never crossed Anna Dolezal’s mind when she applied for a job at a YMCA summer camp 3,000 miles away from her

Cultural Homestay International Welcomes First J-1 Visitor from Cuba

Cultural Homestay International Welcomes First J-1 Visitor from Cuba Cultural Homestay International (CHI) has welcomed its first J-1 participant from Cuba. Luis Chavez is participating in CHI’s Camp Leaders program. CHI’s administrator, Ivy Cohen, picked him up from New York’s JFK

Exchange Student Gives Summer Camp Kids Some Wheels

Hungarian exchange student Tamas Orosz is spending his summer working at Crossroads 4 Kids Camp Wing in Duxbury, Massachusetts (just south of Boston), as a support staffer.  In his spare time, Tamas happens to enjoy fixing bikes.  Before joining CHI’s Camp

Camp Leaders Participant Explores Philadelphia

Camp Leaders participant Aimee Medina, from Mexico, is currently working at Indian Head Camp in Honesdale, PA. Aimee has had a great time and is sad to head home on September 1st.  She loves being at camp and has met

Camp Leaders Spotlight: Mel from Wales

Participants of CHI’s Camp Leaders program experience the excitement of working in the great outdoors, while at the same time, making a difference in children’s lives. Mel Cameron, from Wales, knows firsthand the benefits of this program.  Not only does Mel work

Exciting Summer Ahead with Camp Leaders

Summer is just around the corner, and CHI is gearing up to welcome young adults from countries like the UK, Colombia, New Zealand and Hungary to sharpen their leadership skills as counselors at summer camps across the U.S. International counselors

Let the Summer, Fun and Cultural Exchange Begin!

These CHI Camp Leaders’ international counselors are experiencing their first taste of one of the great American summer traditions at camp — a marshmallow eating contest! What are you doing this summer to reach out to experience cultural exchange? CHI

Visit from Partners in the UK

CHI recently had a friendly visit from our partners in the UK.  Camp Leaders Managing Director Bastian Weinberger, and Global Operations and Logistics Manager Andy Callender, took time to meet with CHI staff in San Anselmo, CA.

CHI and Camp Leaders

Here at CHI, we know that one of our key strengths is our network of amazing partner organizations around the globe.  They help connect us with the thousands of talented and ambitious young people who participate in our programs each year.  One

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