Tag: Cultural Homestay International
Visit from Partners in the UK
CHI recently had a friendly visit from our partners in the UK. Camp Leaders Managing Director Bastian Weinberger, and Global Operations and Logistics Manager Andy Callender, took time to meet with CHI staff in San Anselmo, CA.
I am CHI
Video: I am CHI
Columbus and his Legacy
Some words of wisdom from CHI’s Founder and President Tom Areton. As every child knows, “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue…” But why do we celebrate this self-taught, fearless, seafaring adventurer? After all, he wasn’t the first who discovered
Thank You From the People of Japan
March 11th marks the first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake/tsunami. We all contributed a lot of money to the rescue effort and the people of Japan want to say “thank you”. Please watch the video below…
CHI Cookie Exchange
CHI Main Office staff recently participated in their annual holiday cookie exchange. Those that participate make enough cookies to share with everyone. It is a lot of fun and everyone comes away with some delicious new cookies to try.