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Tag: Short-term Homestay

This is Group Homestay

CHI had a wonderful summer welcoming Group Homestay students from around the world.  They came to learn about life in the United States, practice their English skills, and share their cultures with American host families. This is Group Homestay: Building bridges

Japanese Exchange Students Visit in Spring

Japanese exchange students visited Spanaway, WA, this spring.  During their visit, they toured a local high school, visited Lemay Car Museum and participated in a college career day at a local junior high school.  While visiting high school students they were

Welcome Japanese Students!

Group Homestay Program participants, from Japan, spent eight days in Santa Maria, California this winter.  The group visited Pioneer Valley High School where they were able to share culture with local students.  They were even greeted with a Welcome Japanese Students

Japanese Exchange Students Visit Santa Maria, CA

The Santa Maria Times in California recently shared an article about CHI Group Homestay Program students that visited their local high school, Pioneer Valley High School. The article titled,  Japanese exchange students get a taste of Santa Maria, share experiences

Japanese Exchange Students Tour Washington State

Japanese exchange students from Okinawa are currently spending three weeks sightseeing around Washington State as part of CHI’s Group Homestay Program.  The group consists of students ranging in age from 13-17 years old. They are staying with host families from Steilacoom,

Building Bridges Between Cultures Through Homestay

Building bridges between cultures, one family and one student at a time. That’s the heart of CHI’s Group Homestay Program. Since 1980, we’ve been bringing American families together with students from around the world to share exciting, memorable experiences for

Group Homestay Creates Lifelong Friendships

You may not think your life could change in just a few weeks, but with CHI’s Group Homestay Program it can. This program lets you experience what it is like to open your home, share your culture and create a

Japanese Exchange Student Bikes Across the U.S.

Three years ago Masaki Takisawa, from Japan, spent three-weeks in Keizer, OR with the Smedema family.  Masaki was part of CHI’s Group Homestay Program.  His trip to the U.S. came about when TOMODACHI and Coca-Cola partnered together and arranged a  homestay program for Japanese high school students from the

CHI Group Homestay Program Family Testimonial

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to host an exchange student from another country?  Read one family’s experience hosting through CHI’s Group Homestay Program. I live in Northern California and I have hosted 11 girls from Japan and China

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