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Tag: Study Abroad

Study Abroad in Australia

High School Abroad participant, Jordan Duchon from Grand Rapids, MI is currently studying in Albury, NSW, Australia.  Jordan recently shared a bit about his semester abroad as well as sent a few photos taken with friends. Jordan says, “I’m doing

Have you Always Dreamed of Living Abroad? We Thought So!

Looking for a life changing experience traveling the world this summer? CHI’s English Conversation Volunteers Abroad (ECVA) offers homestay programs in over 20 countries! As an English Conversation Volunteer (ECV) you can go almost anywhere and stay with a host

Attend High School in a Different Country

This experience will change your life! Choose a school term, semester or year. The best way to learn about another country is to experience it! Spend three, five or ten months attending high school in another country. There is a

High School Abroad in Italy

“I love to travel. Traveling is something my heart wants and something I must do. I have always been fascinated with other countries and how their cultures function.” Amanda Cagle, CHI High School Abroad student in Italy 2014

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