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Tag: Summer Work and Travel

Work Hard, Play Hard

Kuyoshbek Mirzakamolov shares his experience as a CHI Work and Travel participant.

Farewell Summer Work and Travel

CHI’s Summer Work and Travel program is coming to an end for the season.  Exchange visitors are finishing the travel portion of their program, saying goodbye to their new friends and flying home to return to school.  They have had

Work and Travel Job Fair in Peru and Argentina

This summer CHI staff went to Peru and Argentina to meet and interview prospective Work and Travel participants.  The students they met were enthusiastic, professional and grateful to have the opportunity to interview for the Work and Travel program.

Meet our 2018 Cultural Ambassador Award Winners

For the second year, CHI is offering our Cultural Ambassador Award (CAA) as a way to celebrate our participants. This is an exciting opportunity for Summer Work & Travel participants to represent their country on a global platform in an

Our First Cultural Ambassador Award Winner Is…

For the second year, CHI is offering our Cultural Ambassador Award (CAA) as a way to celebrate our participants.  This is an exciting opportunity for Summer Work & Travel participants to represent their country on a global platform in an effort to

Work and Travel Participants Visit Harvard

Summer Work & Travel participants from Turkey and Romania recently took a day trip from Kittery and York, Maine to visit Boston, Massachusetts.  They toured the city and spent some time exploring Harvard University.  They had a great day full

CHI Joins Ogunquit Community J-1 Support Group Forum

On Monday, April 16th U.S. Department of State Designated J-1 Sponsors, guest speakers and local community members gathered together at Dunaway Community Center, in Ogunquit, Maine to discuss the Summer Work and Travel program. The purpose of the gathering was to engage with

What I Loved About Work and Travel – Agnieszka from Poland

Agnieszka Wcisło, from Poland, shared what it was like for her to live in the United States and participate in CHI’s Work and Tavel program.  Find out what Agnieszka loved about Work and Travel.    “I worked as a bartender in

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