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CHI Welcomes Venezuelan Intern

Recently, CHI was excited to welcome Venezuelan Intern Sujaira Moughawiche to the United States.  Obtaining her visa and passport from Venezuela was a long and complex process, but everyone working on her program was patient as Sujaira went through the necessary steps.  Most of all, she was patient and that patience paid off as she received clearance to arrive in the United States in early May.

Sujaira is interning with a wonderful business partner, Access Control Group in Cranbury, New Jersey.  With now just over two months as an Intern under her belt, Sujaira says, “The internship is going great –  I love it!  I am expanding my knowledge in my respective area and learning new topics.”  Sujaira knows she still has much to learn, but she can’t wait to do just that.

Sujaira also loves being in the U.S.  She has made new friends and enjoys learning about new cultures.  In her free time, she likes to travel and has already visited New York and Philadelphia.  When comparing life in the U.S. to life in Venezuela, Sujaira says, “Of course coming from Venezuela, one of the things I enjoy the most is being able to go to a supermarket and find everything I need without having to wait for over 8 hours in line. [Aside] from that, I enjoy the quiet and safety.”

Sujaira looks forward to continuing her internship and when she returns home to Venezuela, she plans to get her Master’s degree in Computer Science.  Thanks Sujaira for sharing your story with us, and a special thank you to everyone who helped with her visa and passport!

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