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Welcome a Spanish Speaking Au Pair and Save!

Attention au pair host families – place with a Spanish Speaking au pair by the end of March and save $200 off our program fees!

Benefits of Learning Spanish

Spanish is now the second most spoken language in the United States, with 34 million Spanish speakers today, and its popularity continues to grow.  It is also the primary language spoken throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America.  It is more beneficial than ever for the next generation to be able to communicate in Spanish.  With that in mind, one of the most important investments you can make in your child’s future is to help them learn Spanish today.  One of the most rewarding ways to do that is with CHI Au Pair USA.

CHI Au Pair USA has many wonderful Spanish speaking au pairs. These caring, qualified young people can help give your child the Spanish skills they’ll need in the future while they’re still young, and learning a new language is so much easier. At the same time, they’ll be helping care for your children on a daily basis, becoming a trusted member of your family and expanding your child’s horizons.

It has been proven that active learning is a key factor in developing new language skills.  It is easier to learn a new language when it is a part of your everyday routine, and you hear and speak the language through reading, music, and play.  What better way to foster this kind of an environment than with a CHI au pair?

Moving forward in life, knowing Spanish will give your child a tremendous benefit.  According to Ana Flores in her article 4 Reasons Why Every Child in the United States Should Speak Spanish, “no matter which career you choose nowadays, you will likely encounter a need to speak in Spanish in the U.S. Not only is it usable in daily interactions, but also to expand business and reach a wider net of the population”.

Knowing Spanish will also make it easier to travel anywhere in the world.  More than 20 countries speak Spanish as their official language.  There are few things more fun and empowering than traveling to an exotic, far off destination and feeling the confidence that comes with knowing the language.

CHI Au Pair USA is offering a special discount on Spanish speaking au pairs.  There is no better time to take advantage of all the benefits of having a Spanish speaker in your home than right now!

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