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German Exchange Student Spends Two Years at American High School

Charlotte Kaufhold is a German exchange student currently participating in CHI’s Private High School Program (PHSP).  Charlotte attends Plainwell High School in Plainwell, Michigan and lives with the Lovdahl family and their three children.  She has had the unique opportunity to attend high school in the U.S. for two years.  Charlotte shares her experience as a German exchange student.
German Exchange Student
Charlotte is fourth from the left


“My name is Charlotte. I am 17 years old and I have been in America for almost two years now. Having the opportunity to spend a second year in my new home is awesome. When I came here the second time I already had a great group of friends, was able to join the sideline cheer team again and already knew what I was doing. To be honest, I didn’t feel like a lost puppy! I also got to be part of the varsity competitive cheer team at my high school.

One year in another country is great but during the second year, I really got to enjoy everything a little more. Especially because the language and the communication is not a problem anymore. If someone would ask me if I would spend  two years away from home again I would tell them that it definitely was the best decision!

I also get to graduate with a real diploma this year. My classes are a little harder this year than the ones I took last year but a little challenge is always good. It pushed me and my English improved even more. All in all the past two years have been the best years of my life and I don’t have any regrets! ”

German exchange student

Learn more about CHI’s Private High School Program!

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