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Travel to Kazakhstan on a Budget

World Explorers is the the ideal program for adventure travelers, a gap year or traveling on a budget. You receive a private room and three daily meals in exchange of teaching English for 15 hours weekly to your host family.

The rest of the time is yours to explore as you wish!

Neither degree nor experience is required. You also don’t need to speak the local language. 
Your Destination


Famous City
Popular Dish
Main Tourist Attraction
Bayterek Tower
$1 buys $497.83 Kazakhstani Tenge

Had anyone ever even heard of Kazakhstan before Borat?

That’s right, the fictitious Kazakh journalist, a character played by English comedian Sasha Baron Cohen, put Kazakhstan on the map for the masses. In fact, Borat’s popularity had such a tremendous impact on Kazakhstan that the number of tourists increased by tenfold.

However, there is so much more to Kazakhstan than Borat! The vast transcontinental territory spreads from Europe to Asia and was once inhabited by nomadic tribes and occupied by Genghis Khan. The country is rich in oil and other natural resources. Major cities are home to modern and innovative architecture design. The former-Soviet country hosts a total of 131 distinct ethnicities that are each rich with unique cultural traditions. The Kazakh people are extremely welcoming and eager to meet native English speakers, just like you!

CHI works with its trusted partner agency in Karaganda. The third largest city in the country, Karaganda is home to two major universities. When not tutoring their hosts, past World Explorers have also had the chance to teach English at the university. This opportunity offers a great way to fill your free time and make new friends.

While Kazakh is the official language, Russian is also widely spoken in Kazakhstan. We recommend Kazakhstan as a destination if you are looking to improve your Russian language skills while helping others. The aim of World Explorers is to get your students speaking better English. CHI provides you with basic tutoring materials for the casual English conversation lessons. Most Kazakhs learn English at an early age in school and are dying for the opportunity to use it. That’s where you come in. You will be welcomed into your host family’s home and become a part of their lives, and in return, they will become your friends for life.

Some of the overseas partner agencies we work with place restrictions on age. We recommend this destination for travelers ages 18-40+. Some older candidates may be considered, but we cannot guarantee it.


In order to teach English in Kazakhstan you must:

Be at least 18 years old

Be a high school graduate

Be flexible and adaptable to a different culture

Be respectful of your host family’s rules

Be a fluent English speaker *

* from the United States, Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand. Residents from other countries may only be considered if they are completely fluent in English
Travel options from 30 to 90 days

Program Costs

CHI is a non-profit organization, but we still have fixed costs that are necessary for running the program. Our overseas partners are actually for-profit, and we must take that into consideration as well. Our partners do the work to find and screen excellent host families that match your interests and needs!

30 days



per day



60 days



per day



90 days



per day



Compare World Explorers with hostels and budget hotels

A great way to travel on a budget

Live as a local, being hosted by locals. It is cheaper and you learn valuable insights about their culture and way of life.



Budget Hotel

Best Choice

World Explorers



Experiences abroad

The chance to teach overseas was special to me, but what I will always remember is how incredibly warm, friendly and giving the people of Karaganda were to me.I can certainly relate to my students here in the U.S> more, now that I have experienced coming into a country by myself, where I didn't know the language, the alphabet, didn't particularly look like many of them, and really didn't know but a few people when I got there. I think this experience has also convinced me to follow through and complete my MATESOL.
Jim R.
World Explorer in Kazakhstan
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