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Category: Work Experience Programs

Work Experience Programs

Do Canadians need a visa to do an Internship in the US?

Do not waste your time at the airport trying to enter the US as a tourist if you are planning to work for a US company as an intern, paid or unpaid! You will likely be asked to apply for a

Work Experience Programs

CHI Attended 2018 CSG Summit in Outer Banks, North Carolina

CHI attended the 2018 Community Support Group Summit in Outer Banks, North Carolina along with 124 attendees that included community leaders, host business, host housing, local hospitals, banks, churches, and sponsors.  Also in attendance were senior Department of State Officials, Kevin

Interns Carve Pumpkins for the First Time

CHI Interns from the Philippines experienced something new this weekend, pumpkin carving!  Everyone had a lot of fun and got very creative with their pumpkins.  Prizes were given out to the top three pumpkins!  Which one is your favorite?

Work Hard, Play Hard

Kuyoshbek Mirzakamolov shares his experience as a CHI Work and Travel participant.

Cultural Ambassador Award Conference 2018

19 cultural ambassadors went to Washington DC for 3 days to discuss matters of global concern through a very inspiring conference with the participation of Lynette Evans – Public Affairs Specialist (Department of State) and Ilir Zherka (Alliance for International

Farewell Summer Work and Travel

CHI’s Summer Work and Travel program is coming to an end for the season.  Exchange visitors are finishing the travel portion of their program, saying goodbye to their new friends and flying home to return to school.  They have had

Los Angeles Interns Visit the Grove LA

Los Angeles Interns had a fun day visiting one of LA’s favorite shopping and dining destinations.  The Grove is a great spot to spend some time relaxing, shopping, eating, catching a movie and even sometimes spotting a celebrity.  

Work and Travel Job Fair in Peru and Argentina

This summer CHI staff went to Peru and Argentina to meet and interview prospective Work and Travel participants.  The students they met were enthusiastic, professional and grateful to have the opportunity to interview for the Work and Travel program.

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